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Episode 124 Transcript: The First Step to Making Change: Vision

Nancy: Knowing your vision with clarity, is a game changer, especially when it comes to coaching. Your vision is like a precious seed. You need to nurture it and protect it and give it room to grow. And you wanna make sure that your vision is alive and thriving. The way to do this is to consistently make choices every day, take actions every single day, in service of your vision coming to fruition.

Nancy: Welcome to Your Permission Prescription. I’m Nancy Levin, founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, bestselling author, master life coach, and your host. I train life coaches, aspiring coaches, and anyone who wants to add coaching skills to their current career to elevate their life and their business. I’ve coached thousands of people to live life on their own terms, and now I coach, train, and certify other coaches to do the same. 

If you are ready to give yourself permission to finally make yourself a priority and mobilize your vision, you are in the right place. Let’s dive in. 

Welcome back to another episode of Your Permission Prescription. I’m your host, Nancy Levin, and I am so excited to welcome you to our episode today. We are going to dive deep into the transformative power of vision.

You may have heard me talk about my Transformation Equation. Change = Vision + Choice + Action. Essentially what this means is that if you wanna make a change in your life, it’s essential to envision how your life will be different on the other side of this change. To really be able to hold the vision of how you and your life will be different, then you use your vision to be the gauge by which you make choices and take action. Every single choice you make, every single action you take, does only one of two things: it either sabotages your vision or it serves it. So we wanna make sure we are making conscious choices and taking conscious action in service of our vision. 

So let’s begin by understanding what vision truly means. Your vision is not a vague idea or a daydream. Your vision is a powerful guiding force that will shape your life. Vision goes beyond setting goals. Vision is about defining the life you want to create, but the beauty here is that you don’t have to create your vision – your vision exists within you. Your vision likely needs some dusting off, so it can become that gravitational force pulling you toward it.

Clarity of vision is key. Your vision really needs to be crystal clear, it needs to feel deeply inspiring. This is particularly why knowing your vision, with clarity, is a game changer, especially when it comes to coaching. Your vision is like a precious seed. You need to nurture it and protect it and give it room to grow, and you wanna make sure that your vision is alive and thriving. The way to do this is to consistently make choices every day, take actions every single day in service of your vision coming to fruition. 

Unlike a goal which is specific and set in time, your vision is more malleable. Your vision is really the articulation of what you feel most passionate about, most moved by, most excited about. Your vision can shift and change as you evolve. The beauty of returning to your vision, of updating your vision, calibrating your vision, is that you’ll always have a north star to follow.

 As I said earlier, and I’ll keep saying, your vision becomes the gauge for the choices you make in the actions you take. The more connected you are to your vision, the more closely you hold it in your heart, the more likely you are to make the choices and take the actions that will serve it. 

So if you view your vision as a roadmap to your most fulfilling life, everything is possible because really your personal vision is that profound reflection of your desires, your values, and your aspirations. 

When you make your vision crystal clear, it means that you are regularly assessing your progress. You are calibrating and recalibrating. You are assessing and reassessing where you are on the journey and ways in which your vision may have shifted. 

So it’s important to remember that your vision is your north star. Your vision is what allows you to take action in the direction of what you desire. 

If you have enjoyed today’s podcast, I’ve got a free gift for you. You can go to nancylevin.com/free and you can download my Transformation Equation Method guide. So again, nancylevin.com/free, download the guide and in it I will take you through a process so you can begin uncovering your own vision and choosing the choices and actions that will serve you best. Your vision is the beacon for change. Embrace it. This is how you will embody a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Thanks so much for being here, and I’ll see you next time.

Thanks so much for joining me today on Your Permission Prescription. For even more, I invite you to head on over to nancylevin.com and sign up for my newsletter, The Practice, and follow me on social media. 

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See you next time.