Missed out on LLCA enrollment? It’s not too late
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Episode 119 Transcript: Is Levin Life Coach Academy for you?

Nancy: I did my own life coach training over a decade ago when I was still the event director at Hay House. I did it because I wanted to know more about myself. And what happened was that on the other side of my coach training and certification, I was unrecognizable from who I was when I began. This is what’s possible for you. You are on the brink of becoming unrecognizable to yourself through inner work and inner discovery and inner inquiry.

When you turn your attention inward and learn more about yourself, that is what will allow you to step into the truth of who you are, who you wanna become, and how you wanna spend your time and energy on this planet. 

Nancy: Welcome to Your Permission Prescription. I’m Nancy Levin, founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, bestselling author, master life coach, and your host. I train life coaches, aspiring coaches, and anyone who wants to add coaching skills to their current career to elevate their life and their business. I’ve coached thousands of people to live life on their own terms, and now I coach, train, and certify other coaches to do the same. 

If you are ready to give yourself permission to finally make yourself a priority and mobilize your vision, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive in.

Nancy: Welcome back to another episode of Your Permission Prescription. As you know, the doors to Levin Life Coach Academy are opening soon so as we get closer to open enrollment, I am continuing to share a bit of what happens on the inside of LLCA. And so today I thought I’d share who LLCA is right for and who it isn’t.

So what I’ll first say is LLCA is my premier training and certification program for aspiring and current coaches. So if you are already a certified coach or you’re an aspiring coach and you are looking to elevate your life and your business overall, LLCA has exactly what you need. And I created Levin Life Coach Academy because I began becoming the coach to the coaches.

So certified coaches would come to me for coaching because they lacked the confidence, the courage, the skill, the preparation, the know-how to get clients. And they also confessed that they didn’t know what to do with the client if they even got one. 

And aspiring coaches were coming to me saying, I wanna be a coach like you. So I realized that there was a real gap in coach trainings, and that while they might be quote-unquote teaching coaches to coach, they weren’t really giving them experience or the platform necessary in order to actually put themselves out there, to really own business owner alongside of being a coach. Not emphasizing that a big part of coaching is also becoming visible with marketing and promotion. 

So when I first conceived of creating Levin Life Coach Academy over five years ago, I knew it needed to be comprehensive in that it provides the exact tools, scripts, and proven processes that you need in order to build a coaching practice that changes lives, including your own.

And in order to do that, I knew I wanted to build a component all about starting your own business from scratch, how to get your first paying client and what exactly to do with your clients when you get them.

So as I was saying, I identified this major gap in the world of life coach training and certifications out there. And when I launched LLCA five years ago, I knew that I wanted it to be hands-on, high touch, happening in real time. 

So at the origin point of creating LLCA, I knew that this would be an essential piece. I wanna be a part of what’s happening in my students’ lives as they’re being coached and trained. I don’t wanna be removed. It’s really important to me because it’s also one of the most gratifying and fulfilling and satisfying things I do, coaching and training and supporting everyone in my training. 

So now I wanna share who LLCA is for and who it’s not for.  First, LLCA is right for you if you are willing to do your own inner exploration and self-discovery work, before guiding clients to theirs.

This is a key point in the first module of LLCA. I coach you through reinvention coaching, which is the first of my coaching models that you will have the opportunity to be certified in. But before you step into the role of the coach, you are in the seat of the client being coached by me through the very coaching model you will then coach others in. So it’s essential that you are willing to do your own inner work first. 

Next, LLCA is right for you if you want to learn in real time, with coaching and direct support for me, plus practicing what you’re learning in small groups with your peer and a mentor. So if you value learning in real time with ongoing support, this program is for you.

The third reason LLCA is right for you is if you’re an aspiring or current coach who wants proven coaching models and methods, plus everything you need to build your business from scratch. This is something that’s missing in other coaching programs. So post certification, you are automatically enrolled in our Alumni Springboard, and it is included in your tuition. 

This is eight weeks dedicated and devoted to you getting your first paying clients, creating a simple web presence, learning how to really leverage the discovery session that you’ll offer prospective clients. We also give you presentations and book study guidelines. We give you templates for social media. We give you everything you need, including legal resources to set your business up from the get-go. 

So these are simply three of many reasons LLCA might be right for you.

To recap, you’re willing to do your own inner work. You want to learn in real time from me, your mentors and your peers, and you are wanting to build your coaching business, whether that means that you’re an aspiring coach or a current coach. 

Nancy: If you don’t know your core strength as a coach, then how can you expect potential clients to see themselves working with you? I’ve created a free guide to help you find your own unique strength, your niche, because the most successful coaches are those who’ve built their businesses and attained certifications around the specific niches they can best serve. Even for me, establishing a niche was one of the keys to my own success as a master life coach, as the founder of Leaven Life Coach Academy,

I feel deeply called to help others achieve the success I’ve experienced. This is why I created the claim your coaching Niche guide designed for existing and aspiring life coaches. This guide will help you establish a lucrative and purposeful place within the competitive life coaching industry today. You can download the complete guide for free. Simply visit nancy levin.com/resources to download. You can also find the link in my show notes.

Nancy: Now, let’s look at three reasons why LLCA may not be the right choice for you. 

First and foremost, if you wanna give advice and tell people what to do, LLCA is not for you. Coaching is not about giving advice, coaching is about remaining agenda free, staying in the deep listening, supporting your clients and guiding them to their own inner wisdom, helping them get from where they are right now to where they want to go, not where you want them to be or think they should go. 

The second reason why LLCA might not be right for you is if you simply want to collect pre recorded videos without being part of an evolving and connected community. So as I’ve mentioned, LLCA is delivered to you in real time by me. We have live sessions on video and you receive the replay, but these are not pre recorded videos that are going to collect dust on your computer. This is not last year’s videos., this is not prepackaged information, everything we do together is happening live and in real time, and the bonds that are formed in our community are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Lifelong friendships have literally been formed inside of the LLCA community. So if this is not something you are looking for, LLCA is not right for you. 

The third reason LLCA might not be right for you is if you’re looking for an overnight coach certification. Listen, I know what is out there. I know you can sign up and in a weekend, get a certification without any real grounded training, without any sort of practice experience, without any sort of assessment for certification. And that’s not LLCA.

 LLCA is a seven month deep dive into what it is to be a coach. In module one, you are coached by me through reinvention coaching. Module two is devoted to life coaching skills. Module three, you are learning about the sessions and the scripts, and you are practicing one-on-one with a peer inside the program. Module four is a live coaching practicum where you’re practicing with outside program practice clients. And module five is certification. And as part of certification, we make certain that you have completed every element of the training, and in addition, you have a one-on-one zoom assessment session with an assessor. Once you’ve completed all the previous modules, once you’ve completed all the material, you are earning your certification. It’s not something you can just buy overnight. So if you’re looking for a way to get certified fast without doing any work, LLCA is not the right choice for you. 

So again, a little recap here. LLCA is not right for you. If you wanna give advice and tell people what to do, if you just wanna collect pre recorded videos without being part of an evolving and connected community, or if you’re just looking for an overnight coach certification without doing much work. 

And LLCA is right for you if you are willing to do your own inner work first, you’re willing to learn in real time with coaching and direct support for me and practice what you’re learning as you go. It’s right for you if you are an aspiring or current coach and you want to enhance your life, learn more about yourself and bring your business to the world. 

I wanna remind you, I never set out to be a coach. I did my own life coach training over a decade ago when I was still the Event Director at Hay House. I did it because I wanted to know more about myself and what happened was that on the other side of my coach training and certification, I was unrecognizable from who I was when I began. 

This is what’s possible for you. 

You are on the brink of becoming unrecognizable to yourself through the inner work and inner discovery and inner inquiry. When you turn your attention inward and learn more about yourself, that is what will allow you to step into the truth of who you are and who you wanna become and how you wanna spend your time and energy on this planet so you will be most fulfilled, satisfied, and have a meaningful coaching life. 

Thank you so much for being here. And be on the lookout for LLCA to open enrollment soon, and I’ll be back here again with you next week. 

Nancy: Thanks so much for joining me today on Your Permission Prescription. For even more, I invite you to head on over to nancylevin.com and sign up for my newsletter, The Practice, and follow me on social media. 

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See you next time.