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Episode 113 Transcript: Inside LLCA Modules 3-5: Practice, Coaching, Certification

Nancy: I like to think of modules three, four, and five as crawl, walk, run. So in Module Three, we are beginning with learning how to crawl, and here’s how we do this. Each week you’ll have a full group session with me, in which I’ll train you as we dissect the script for that particular week’s coaching session. You’ll also begin to practice actual one-on-one coaching with one of your peers in the program, and you’ll be coached by a peer as well. In addition, you’ll meet with your mentor and small group, plus you’ll have the opportunity to attend office hours with me, and you’ll continue sending in your weekly reflections also.  

Nancy: Welcome to Your Permission Prescription. I’m Nancy Levin, founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, bestselling author, master life coach, and your host. I train life coaches, aspiring coaches, and anyone who wants to add coaching skills to their current career to elevate their life and their business. I’ve coached thousands of people to live life on their own terms, and now I coach, train, and certify other coaches to do the same. 

If you are ready to give yourself permission to finally make yourself a priority and mobilize your vision, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive in.

Nancy: Welcome back to another episode of Your Permission Prescription. This week we are continuing our journey behind the scenes of Levin Life Coach Academy. 

So in the past couple of weeks, we’ve taken a peek inside of modules one and two, and now we are going to tour through modules three, four, and five.

So quick recap, in Module One you are in the seat of the client as I coach you through Reinvention Coaching. And Reinvention Coaching is the first coaching model of mine that you will be certified in inside of LLCA.And I coach you in module one so you have the experience of being on the client end of the material, and so that you can begin doing your own healing work first.So we begin the entire program with you being coached by me. Then in Module Two, you are learning the essential coaching skills necessary for being an effective coach. 

And once we get to module three, we are pulling everything together. So we are integrating the coaching skills while practicing the session scripts. And I like to think of modules three, four, and five as crawl, walk, run. 

So in Module Three, we are beginning with learning how to crawl, and here’s how we do this. Each week you’ll have a full group session with me, in which I’ll train you as we dissect the script for that particular week’s coaching session. You’ll also begin to practice actual one-on-one coaching with one of your peers in the program, and you’ll be coached by a peer as well. In addition, you’ll meet with your mentor and small group, plus you’ll have the opportunity to attend office hours with me, and you’ll continue sending in your weekly reflections also.  

And since this practice in Module Three is in preparation for the practicum, in module four, you’ll also submit a recording of one coaching session for feedback. So you’ll have an opportunity to meet with your evaluating mentor one-on-one to discuss their feedback and how to best implement it moving forward. And you’ll also meet with your program mentor one-on-one as well, so that you can really craft a plan that is in service of you receiving the necessary individual support that you need. 

And in Module Three, you’re, you’re learning to crawl, you’re just sort of getting your, your balance in the seat of the coach, you’re layering what you experienced and learned about your yourself in the self-inquiry and discovery of module one. You’re layering that and blending it with the essential coaching skills that you learned in Module Two. 

So again, Module Three is devoted to practice. You will learn how to schedule sessions, set coaching boundaries, and create pre and post session rituals for yourself. You’ll experience the flow of a session, timing and the importance of holding your client accountable to action and so much more, of course. 

Next, we move into Module Four, which if we look back at our crawl, walk, run, Module Four is walking, you are up on your feet. Now that you’re familiar with the scripts and have some coaching experience under your belt, it’s time to guide outside clients through Reinvention Coaching. 

So each week again, we’ll meet as a full group to go through the scripts on an even deeper level as you prepare now to coach clients who are unfamiliar with our coaching concepts and explorations.New questions will inevitably arise as you begin to experience what it will be like when you’re certified and coaching paying clients in real life. And you’ll continue to receive support from me, your mentors, and your small group. 

So the practicum is geared toward getting you up on your feet, getting you up to speed to really coach. And in this module, you’ll also be submitting a recorded session of you coaching your outside program client for feedback. You’ll have the same evaluating mentor as in Module Three. You’ll meet with them one-on-one again to discuss the feedback, and you’ll also meet with your program mentor one-on-one. You’ll meet with your small group and mentor. You’ll have office hours with me and your weekly reflections continue. And we are at every stage holding and supporting you inside of this training.

So as you begin to coach others in Modules Three and Four, you will begin to see firsthand how your own agendas can rob a client of their own experience. You’ll see the importance of actively listening not only to what is being said, but also to what isn’t being said. And you’ll also recognize the role non-verbal cues play. You’ll notice when you wanna offer advice and learn to pivot to asking powerful questions instead. You’ll begin to know the true impact of this work as you guide others to bring their vision to fruition just as you have been actualizing your own. 

So with each module in the program, you have the opportunity to continue your own development alongside training to be the most effective and efficient coach that you can be. And remember that the more skilled you are, the more prepared you feel, the more confidently you will coach. 

So all of this is prepping you for Module Five, where the pieces come together with certification. So first we’ll confirm you’ve completed all elements of the training, and then you’ll have a one-on-one certification session with an assessor to determine your readiness to take on the responsibility of being a certified Levin life coach. And of course, certification is RUN in our crawl, walk, run framework. 

So I hope you’ve enjoyed this little behind the scenes peak into all the modules of Levin Life Coach Academy. Enrollment is opening again soon, and you can join the wait list by visiting nancylevin.com/yes. So whether you are a current coach or aspiring coach, I look forward to welcoming you into our cohort this Fall with much love and support.

Thanks so much for being here, and I’ll be back again next week. 

Thanks so much for joining me today on Your Permission Prescription. For even more, I invite you to head on over to nancylevin.com and sign up for my newsletter, The Practice, and follow me on social media. 

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See you next time.