Missed out on LLCA enrollment? It’s not too late

Episode 112: Inside LLCA Module 2: Essential Life Coaching Skills with Linda Perry

In this episode...

In this week’s episode of Your Permission Prescription, I’m joined by mindset coach, business strategist, and lead business trainer inside of Levin Life Coach Academy, Linda Perry. 

Linda and I dive into Module 2 inside Levin Life Coach Academy (LLCA) where we cover the essential life coaching skills needed to become a successful life coach. We provide a comprehensive overview of the skills and techniques, such as active listening, staying agenda-free, and boundaries, that are necessary to effectively guide a coaching client. 

Listen to Your Permission Prescription: Episode 112 to learn more about what’s in store for you inside Module Two of  Levin Life Coach Academy. 

If you’re a current or aspiring coach interested in learning more about Levin Life Coach Academy, click here to join our priority list and receive updates about our September 2023 enrollment.

What We Discuss & Highlights From Episode 112:

  • Levin Life Coach Academy Module 2
  • Essential Life Coaching Skills
  • Active Listening
  • HIdden Agendas
  • Setting Boundaries as a Coach

Click here to view the transcript

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The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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