Missed out on LLCA enrollment? It’s not too late

Episode 101 Transcript: Hay House’s I Can Do It Event – Where I Started and Where I am Now.

Nancy: I will always remember the I Can Do It event in Pasadena where I read a poem as I was introducing Wayne Dyer. And later that evening a woman came up to me and said, I thought I came here to hear Wayne Dyer speak, but in fact I came here this evening to hear your poem. 

And in that moment I really understood how important it is to share what is personal for us so that others can find themselves in our stories, so that others can have the experience of resonance.

Welcome to Your Permission Prescription. I’m Nancy Levin, founder of Levin Life Coach Academy, bestselling author, master life coach, and your host. I train life coaches, aspiring coaches, and anyone who wants to add coaching skills to their current career to elevate their life and their business. I’ve coached thousands of people to live life on their own terms, and now I coach, train, and certify other coaches to do the same. 

If you are ready to give yourself permission to finally make yourself a priority and mobilize your vision, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive in.  

Welcome back to another episode of Your Permission Prescription. I thought it might be fun today to take a walk down memory lane, especially because I will be speaking at Hay House’s I Can Do It conference in Tampa later this month. And this very conference is one that I helped create. 

So back in 2002, I started in my position at Hay House as the Event Director and we wanted to create events that gave our readers the opportunity to connect with our authors in person in real time. And while Hay House had been doing this prior to me getting there, one of the integral elements of the position I stepped into being created, Event Director, was that Hay House wanted an entire division essentially devoted to live in-person events.And at that time it was really before any other publishers were doing anything of the sort. And I felt incredibly passionate about bringing people together to share an experience. 

Now, many years later, here we are, and while over the past few years with COVID, we have been meeting together primarily, virtually online. It is so exciting to know that we are going to be meeting again in person in Tampa this May.

I absolutely love what happens when we as the authors are able to bring our books to life, so to speak. And we’re able to have interactive, engaging conversations with people who are following the path. So one of the things that really excites and enlivens me is coming together in community. 

And this is one of the reasons that when I was helping to create these kind of events, and as I said, you know, Hay House was really ahead of its time. There were years in the, you know, two thousands that we were doing nearly a hundred events a year, a hundred live in-person events, and it was nothing short of magical. So the fact that we’re coming back together in person soon is exhilarating. 

Back in the day I was producing these events, so I was traveling around the world with the greatest minds in the fields of self-empowerment and motivation and inspiration and health and wellness. And I always say I had a backstage pass and a front row seat to all the teachers and their teachings. And I am quite fortunate to have been able to be close with Louise Hay, with Wayne Dyer, with so many of our authors and speakers and teachers.

And yet at that time, I was really living my dream job. I never anticipated or even dreamt about doing something else until I did. So when I was in my own personal crisis, I began taking a deep dive into my own inner world. And because of that, I felt very moved to work with my dear friend and mentor, the late and great Debbie Ford.

So I did a workshop with her that I was supposed to produce, but she, knowing what was going on in my life, had my staff do the event and told me that I needed to sit in the chair and do the work. 

From there, I was able to hire one of her coaches and then ultimately I decided to go through her coach training and certification program. Not because I wanted to be a coach, but because I wanted to do the deeper dive on myself and I wanted to continue connecting the dots that had my life begin to make sense. 

However, on the other side of that training, I was unrecognizable from who I was when I began it and felt quite called to help other people do that inner excavation, ultimately to help other people get free. 

And so over time, I made a plan to leave my position at Hay House and go out into the world on my own. One of the most beautiful aspects in that transition was that I began building my side hustle while I was still working at Hay House, I began building my coaching practice and I also began speaking on stages. 

So while I was the one who was MCing these events, I was also the one who was sort of prepping the audience for who was coming on. When I started speaking, it was not only metaphorically about taking center stage as my own, it was literal. So I was no longer getting on stage to bring someone else on. I was in fact getting on stage to bring myself to the audience. 

In the beginning what I started doing was sharing poems that I’d written as part of my introduction for the speakers. And in fact, I have a Master’s in Poetry and it was a very natural progression to start sharing my poems, even though at the time I really didn’t think it made sense. Because I knew my poetry was incredibly personal and what I came to learn is that the more personal, the more universal. 

And I will always remember, and this is many years ago now, I’ll always remember the I Can Do It event in Pasadena where I read a poem as I was introducing Wayne Dyer. And later that evening a woman came up to me and said, I thought I came here to hear Wayne Dyer speak, but in fact I came here this evening to hear your poem. 

And in that moment I really understood how important it is to share what is personal for us so that others can find themselves in our stories, so that others can have the experience of resonance. 

Nancy: I’m headed to Tampa soon to speak at Hay House’s I Can Do It Conference. This event is near and dear to my heart since I helped create it over 20 years ago, and I am so looking forward to reconnecting in person. 

But here’s what this event means for you as a Your Permission Prescription Podcast listener, you’re the first to know that for the duration of the I Can Do It Conference, you can enroll in Levin Life Coach Academy for $1,000 off the regular tuition, whether you’re at the event or not. 

Go to nancylevin.com/yes or click the link in the show notes and join the LLCA priority list so you will receive my invitation to take $1,000 off your LLCA tuition from Friday, May 19th through Sunday, May 21st. 

If you are a coach or an aspiring coach, if you want to add coaching skills to enhance your current career and elevate your life, it’s time to say yes to you. Go to nancylevin.com/yes and join the priority list today.

Nancy: Shortly after I began sharing poems, I self-published my first book of poetry, and not long after I began working on my second book called Jump and Your Life will Appear, and around that time I also started speaking, I started sharing my story, connecting my own dots to help the audience connect theirs. Connecting the dots between being born into a family with a critically ill older brother who ultimately died. Connecting the dots between my inability to save him and my desire to save the man who became my husband. Connecting the dots around my own perfectionism, my own people pleasing. Connecting the dots around needing to be superwoman for everyone and everything. 

Really coming to understand that while we may not share the content of our story, we do share the emotions of our stories. And so allowing someone to access themselves by listening to me became a way in which I loved connecting with others. 

And so my relationship to the I Can Do It Conference is feeling very full circle. You know, it’s an event that I helped create and then over time, I ultimately was not only producing the event, but also speaking at it, wearing two hats at the same time. And then once I left my position at Hay House, I had the good fortune of continuing to speak at this conference, and it really truly lights me up to know that we’re coming back together again in person. It’s gonna feel like, you know, Old Home Week, like a reunion after these years of COVID to get to reconnect with my Hay House family, as well as the authors, so many of whom I supported in their own journeys and in turn, so many of them supported me in mine.

And to be able to come together now on this equal footing as peers is really meaningful to me. For me to be able to step into my own sense of self-worth and visibility, taking ownership of the stage just as I supported all of them to do when I introduced them and held the curtain for them to walk out. I too am walking out from behind the curtain. 

And I feel like it’s something that I continue to do in different ways in my life. There are always ways that we are showing up for ourselves. There are always ways that we surprise ourselves around what we’re willing to reveal, when. About ways in which we’re willing to have parts of ourselves revealed and expose certain parts of ourselves without re-traumatizing ourselves.

You know, I often will talk about how when we’re sharing our own story, there is the personal and the private. And these are two very distinct things, and we don’t need to share all the private details, but we can share what’s personal because if I share what’s personal for me, chances are it will support you in unlocking what is personal for you.

And to me, that’s the point of going to workshops, listening to others who have gone before you, listening to those of us who have created a methodology or a technique that you too can follow to your desired outcome. There is really magic that occurs when warm bodies share space together for a unified experience. 

One of the other things I’m very excited about going to Tampa is that for the very first time I’m going to have a booth. So there is a bit of a sort of trade show element in addition to the workshops and keynotes. And I will have a booth and I will be there as well as other members of my team to really talk about the benefits of enrolling in Levin Life Coach Academy. 

So Levin Life Coach Academy is my premier training and certification program for life coaches. And it really is for anyone who is either already a coach, an aspiring coach, or it’s for you if you wanna learn how to add life coaching skills to enhance your current career or ultimately elevate your life. And we’ill be there sharing about Levin Life Coach Academy, I’ll be signing books. There will be an onsite bookstore, and if you’re able to join us live, of course, that would be fantastic. But I want to let you know you don’t need to be at I Can Do It in person to take advantage of this incredible offer I’ve created just for you. 

If you know you’re ready to enroll in Levin Life Coach Academy, you can take $1,000 off of the regular tuition during the weekend of the conference only. So the conference is running May 19th to the 21st, 2023, and for those three days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, you can receive $1,000 off regular tuition for Levin Life Coach Academy. Regardless of if you’re there in person and regardless of if you want to do a single pay or a payment plan. Make sure you’re on my mailing list, that way on Friday, May 19th, you will receive your very own invitation to enroll in Levin Life Coach Academy for $1,000 off.

The easiest way to get on my mailing list right now is to go to nancylevin.com/newsletter because that puts you on the list to receive my biweekly newsletter called The Practice, which if you’re interested in Levin Life Coach Academy, you’re gonna be interested in everything I have to offer inside The Practice. So not only will you get The Practice, but you’ll also of course be the first on your block to know when this limited time enrollment opens for Levin Life Coach Academy. 

I hope to see you in person in Tampa. Please make sure to come up and say hello. I also look forward to seeing you inside Levin Life Coach Academy. And I’ll see you next time here on your permission prescription. 

Thanks so much for joining me today on Your Permission Prescription. For even more, I invite you to head on over to nancylevin.com and sign up for my newsletter, The Practice, and follow me on social media. 

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See you next time.