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Episode 164: Your Mid-Year Check-In

In order to stay in alignment with what you say you want, it’s imperative to check in with yourself. Checking in with yourself is a continuous practice that offers you the chance to reflect on your progress, realign your goals, identify and address obstacles, celebrate your accomplishments, and recalibrate your desires.  In this episode, I […]

Episode 163: Embrace Your Shadow to Empower Your Business

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I discuss the intersection of shadow work and entrepreneurship. Shadow work involves exploring the hidden, unconscious aspects of yourself that you’ve suppressed or denied. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or a high-achieving individual, shadow work can revolutionize the way you lead, operate, innovate, and most importantly, […]

Episode 162: How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart with Meggan Roxanne

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I’m joined by Meggan Roxanne, a first generation British Trinidadian author, entrepreneur, digital artist, speaker, and inspirational force behind the renowned platform, The Good Quote. Meggan shares about her remarkable new book, How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart: Stop People Pleasing, Set Boundaries and Heal from […]

Episode 161: Women Who Work Too Much with Tamu Thomas

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I’m joined by Tamu Thomas, transformational life coach, former social worker, and author of Women Who Work Too Much: Break Free from Toxic Productivity and Find Your Joy. Tamu shares her journey overcoming toxic productivity, the role of our autonomic nervous system, the polyvagal theory, and how […]

Episode 160: Inside of Your Inner Eclipse

In this week’s episode I’m joined by three amazing members of my community, Katrina and Isaac and Courtney, who share their personal and transformative experiences inside of Your Inner Eclipse, my newest 8-week shadow work group coaching experience. You’ll hear about the significant shifts, changes, and realizations they’ve experienced as a result of the shadow […]

Episode 159: Shadow Work Part 5: Wholeness

I’m excited to share that my new book Embrace Your Shadow to Find Your Light comes out tomorrow! And with perfect timing… we’ve reached the final part of my shadow work series where i’ve been guiding you through the 7 alchemical stages of shadow work. To wrap up the series, we’re ending with Stage 7: […]

Episode 158: Shadow Work Part 4: Nourishment

We’re moving on to part 4 of my shadow work series where I’m guiding you through the 7 alchemical stages of shadow work! In the previous episodes, I’ve shared Stages 1-5 and this week, I’ll be discussing Stage 6: Nourishment. Nourishment is about allowing yourself to be open to desire.  To truly nourish yourself, it’s […]

Episode 157: Shadow Work Part 3: Resilience

We’re moving on to part 3 of my shadow work series where I’m guiding you through the 7 alchemical stages of shadow work! In the previous two episodes, I’ve shared Stages 1-4 and this week, I’ll be discussing Stage 5: Resilience. Resilience is your ability to express your truth, even in the face of outdated […]

Episode 156: Shadow Work Part 2: Responsibility and Authenticity

We’re moving on to part 2 of my shadow work series where I’m guiding you through the 7 alchemical stages of shadow work! In last week’s episode, I shared Stage 1: Awareness and Stage 2: Surrender, and this week I’m discussing Stage 3: Responsibility and Stage 4: Authenticity. When you integrate responsibility and authenticity into […]

Episode 155: Shadow Work Part 1: Awareness and Surrender

We’re officially a month out from the launch of my new guided journal, Embrace Your Shadow to Find Your Light! I am so excited to share this journal with you because I know the transformative power shadow work will provide you. In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I’m sharing my impactful personal journey […]