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Episode 74: Live Coaching: Breaking Patterns, Learning to Trust Yourself, and Giving Yourself Permission to Live Your Dream Life

In this episode...

In today’s episode of Your Permission Prescription, I give live and unscripted laser-coaching to 3 people. 

Kristal wants to break free from comfort and societal expectations to work, work, work. Carolyn wants to trust herself and flourish after a separation. Lisa wants to leave a pattern of narcissistic relationships and heal so she can live the life she wants. They’re all finding the courage to change!

Each of these short coaching sessions deals with important lessons on taking responsibility for yourself, learning to flourish into who you want to be, and breaking free of patterns, whether they’re set by society, ourselves, or the way we were raised.

Get help changing your life with the help of my guided journal, The Art of Change: https://nancylevin.com/nancy-levin-books/#aoc 

Listen to Your Permission Prescription: Episode 74 to feel empowered to live life on your own terms.

What I Discuss & Highlights From Episode 74:

  • Learning to give ourselves permission, and the time, to decide what we want.
  • Breaking old patterns.
  • How to trust ourselves and flourish into who we want to be.
  • Focusing on healing and leaving narcissistic relationship patterns behind.
  • How to find the courage to say what we want and live life on our terms.

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

Notes from Nancy

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Nancy Levin with her laptop

The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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