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Week 8: Visibility

Here we are in our final week of The Art of Change Book Club. Let’s celebrate all you’ve explored so far.

You’ve unearthed your vision and discovered your power to fulfill that vision through your beliefs, your actions, and your choices. You’ve also built a strong scaffolding by facing your incompletions, embracing your rejected qualities, and recognizing the agency that comes from setting and maintaining boundaries.

This week, we’re coming full circle to learn to embody your vision, everything that you are, without hiding behind beliefs, personas, or roles.

Now, let’s look at the eighth and final dimension of reinvention: visibility.

Week 8: Visibility

Visibility is the way we consciously shine our own light upon ourselves. It’s an action rather than a state of being. We’re not simply allowing ourselves to be seen; we’re consciously drawing attention to ourselves.

Most of us are taught as children that it’s not safe to shine so brightly. 

Just as we learn to label certain qualities as “bad” and thereby reject them in order to feel loved and accepted, we also learn that certain “good” qualities make us undesirable.

Think of a time when you might have been told that you were too much of something: too loud, too opinionated, too intimidating. 

How did you diminish yourself to avoid that label? How has that brought you to where you are now?

This week, you’re going to reclaim the power that you’ve been denying yourself. 

The best place to start is to identify someone you admire or want to emulate. What draws you to them? What qualities do they exhibit?

Those qualities are inside of you, too! There is nothing that you can see in someone else that you are not.

Over this final week, I invite you to breathe into your heart, into your presence, here and now.

  • What are you putting off in your life because it requires you to be more visible? 
  • What positive quality do you need to embrace in order to step into your visibility?
  • What is possible for you when you shine your light and make yourself visible? How might your connection to others, to yourself, and to the world around you be strengthened?

Anchor yourself in the way it feels to receive your own love this week.

Celebrate the changes you’ve already made even as you are still becoming. 

Everything you need is inside you already; you just need to give yourself permission to access it.

Thank you for allowing me to guide you as you explore the deep and captivating ocean of change. 

If you haven’t already, I invite you to pick up The Art of Change. It has all the tools and prompts you’ll need to fully explore the eight dimensions we’ve covered over the past several weeks.



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The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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