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Episode 126: Facing Your Fears: Shifting the Beliefs that Scare You

In this episode...

In this episode of The Nancy Levin Show, I dive into the underworld of beliefs, specifically the beliefs that scare us. There is great power in our beliefs, however when not used correctly we close the doors to personal change and possibilities. I discuss the common fears we face like failure, rejection, and unworthiness, and share how we have the power to rewrite our beliefs and, in doing so, welcome transformation. 

Listen to The Nancy Levin Show: Episode 126 to learn how you can use the power of beliefs to transform your life. 

I invite you to explore my guided journal, The Art of Change, and take the first step toward ditching your limiting beliefs and transforming your life.

What We Discuss & Highlights From Episode 126:

  • Being courageous is essential to change
  • How limiting beliefs are formed
  • The role of beliefs in shaping our reality and emotions
  • How to replace fears with self-love and authenticity

Click here to view the transcript

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From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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